
The Neighborhood Publication

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437 Main St., Apt. 4
Old Town, ME 04468
(207) 408-1332
Always open

About Us

I am an independent contractor partnered with Best Version Media and live in Old Town. I aim to connect business owners to highly desired local residents that will help their business grow. I like read more
  • About

    I am an independent contractor partnered with Best Version Media and live in Old Town. I aim to connect business owners to highly desired local residents that will help their business grow. I like doing what I do because I get to know my community more, do something positive that brings people together, remain connected to business owners and members of the community, get to know business owners and what they do, and meet the demand that the members of the community need fulfilled while helping businesses reach people they otherwise wouldn't through other forms of marketing. I want to make my community a better place and use my website as a hub for locals and visitors alike to remain connected with community events, local businesses, local charities, and more. I envision it to be a one-stop-shop for anyone to get connected in one place since I'm basically ''the guy that knows a guy''. Being as connected as I am as an extension of my job, I'm in a unique position that allows me to bring people together in a way that no one else can. If you have any questions about pricing, how it works, and more, feel free to visit my website or contact me and I'll be happy to explain. It's free to join, and I'll even list you on it for free as well if you'd like! I plan to run my website along with my publication as a means of supporting the content and putting local resources at the hands of those that are looking to access it more than once a month.

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  • Directions

    I currently do not have an office.

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