Hey students in grades 6-10 - are you ready to explore the exciting world of computers and information technology? Join us for Teen Tech Night, where you can learn, share, collaborate, and delve into cutting-edge software and web-based tools.
This year's workshops will feature a range of captivating sessions designed to spark your curiosity and creativity like robotics, cyber security and more!
Participants, please remember to bring your own laptop to this event. If you do not have access to a laptop, please email Shelby Bryant at shelby@educatemaine.org.
Teen Tech Night is a drop-off event, and a delicious pizza dinner will be provided at 6 pm for all participants. Don't miss out on this opportunity for maximum engagement and hands-on learning!
Register at
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf3Ot9THr3iJ5Id0RboWXESjr0lm81BXFC1HtnLtaIIWZt1aQ/viewform [https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf3Ot9THr3iJ5Id0RboWXESjr0lm81BXFC1HtnLtaIIWZt1aQ/viewform]
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2 Hammond Street, Suite One, Bangor, ME 04401 – (207) 947-0307 – marcia@bangorregion.com